Franchise In The New Norms

11 Jun 2020

Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, business closures are arising and it has wreaked havoc on the franchise industry. It is unknown to us for how long it would take to return to “usual” life. Restrictions are expected to be released in the coming days and months, however, it is still unclear on the customer volume that will be returning to pre-COVID-19 levels when businesses are reopened.

Franchising, however, has seen many positives outcomes from the crisis. Optimists by nature, franchise leaders have moved mountains in the record time to keep their businesses alive and to support their franchisees. New concepts and ideas have emerged, and many have started to innovate, as well as discover some better ways of doing things. We will most definitely see more positive changes in the coming months, and it will be clearer for the franchises industry to handle their businesses throughout this pandemic. Historically, the economic downturn has been among the best time for people to start franchising.

During this period, MyeongDong Topokki is expanding as well. The differences between others and MyeongDong Topokki is that we keep being innovative and focus on the business concept and mindsets to put our foot into customers’ shoes and attract millennials. MyeongDong Topokki has always grabbed many loyal fans’ recognitions to the stores and one of the reasons behind this would be that MyeongDong Topokki has received a halal certificate by JAKIM in 2019. We ensure our Food Processing Centre (FPC) adheres to JAKIM standards and requirements on the food handling and production process.

CEO of MyeongDong Topokki, Vincent Lua saw the steady growth of the client base and the positive responses from the market. This gave MyeongDong Topokki the impetus to begin offering a franchise program to share along with this wonderful and sumptuous business model and concept to those who are interested to venture into the world of gastronomy and Korean street food business.

Not only in Malaysia, recently, MyeongDong Topokki has also successfully expanded to Indonesia by signing a Master Franchisee in Jakarta, Jabodetabek area. This is the first move of the brand expansion to the overseas market and there are a few upcoming projects ready for the brand’s expansion plan.

MyeongDong Topokki is also looking to expand in collaboration with PNS and is looking forward to growing the market to the other parts of both the country and globally.

MyeongDong Topokki’s CEO, Vincent Lua will be one of the panelists on Sinar Harian on 11th June 2020 from 5 pm-7 pm together with other professionals from the franchise world.

Want to know more about it? Click the link for registration! Interested to be part of us? Hit us up at +6012 245 2189 to find out more!