Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Twitter Tiktok Latest News Honoured to receive the meaningful recognition award from The BrandLaureateAnother good news for MyeongDong Topokki! MyeongDong Topokki is honoured to receive these... 25 Sep 2020 MyeongDong Topokki is an honor to obtain the MeSTI certificate by the MoHWhat great news we want to mention! MyeongDong Topokki has officially achieved the MeSTI... 18 Sep 2020 MyeongDong Topokki – A fast and casual concept Korean restaurantMyeongDong Topokki is running as a fast-casual Korean restaurant concept that is a mash-up of... 08 Sep 2020 Stop and look! Top 3 reasons why you should get the reusable mask!Do you know that there are several benefits of a reusable mask? The main benefit of a reusable... 01 Sep 2020 DT Beogeo – The Big and Delicious Korean Fried Chi-ken BurgerWe are so happy to launch our NEW MyeongDong Topokki Beogeo! Our NEW MyeongDong Topokki Beogeo... 25 Aug 2020 MDT Hotteok – The only place you can get the most popular Korean street foodMyeongDong Topokki is the FIRST and only place in Malaysia that you can find the famous Korean... 25 Aug 2020 MyeongDong Topokki is open for franchising opportunities!MyeongDong Topokki was first inspired and set its Topokki print in Malaysian’s heart in 2014 with... 25 Jun 2020 Our FIRST MyeongDong Topokki food truck is finally here!We are so excited to launch our FIRST MyeongDong Topokki food truck that would be travelling to... 19 Jun 2020 Franchise In The New NormsDue to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, business closures are arising and it has wreaked havoc on... 11 Jun 2020 < 1 2 3